We have everything you need for the wild birds in your garden. Feeders to suit every type of feed plus a huge range of seed mixes, peanuts, suet, fat balls and so much more.

All our seeds and mixes are of the very best quality, there are many cheap seed mixes available which the birds pick through and waste most of it or simply go elsewhere to feed. We stock the best quality to avoid waste and attract a wider variety of birds to your garden.

Check out our wild bird feed below with prices from only 99p !

Standard quality mix
Superior mix husk free with fruit
Robin & songbird mix

Sunflower seed
Sunflower Hearts
Niger seed
Peanut Granules
Fat balls ,netted & unnetted
Suet pellets (5 varieties)
Suet cake
Suet logs
Suet trays (4 varieties)